Ancestral Healing

A self-guided course

in this series you will…

  • Cleanse your DNA of old stories that no longer serve you

  • Heal the stories of our own ancestors/families

  • Transmute the stories of our global ancestral healing

  • Clear your subconscious beliefs/patterns around what is possible

  • Assemble your ancestral 'teams' and make sure we are fully supported by the ancestors

  • Unfold your biggest self in order to support a more free humanity

  • Soothe our nervous systems and bodies to accept the biggest freest expression of self

Activate the biggest expressions of yourself and so much more!

a breakdown of the sections


section 1

Clear the aura and realign to your true voice

section 2

A deep DNA cleanse to clear old family/karmic patterns

section 3

Call in your ancestral team and redefining your ancestral relationships


section 4

Free yourself and lighten the heavy load by clearing subconscious patterns

section 5

Deepen into the body and still you nervous system

section 6

Call in and activate your biggest self


Together we will...

  • Find safety in your body

  • Uncover clarity around what’s yours and what’s not

  • Establish boundaries that WORK

  • Live with TRUE Self acceptance (i.e., you are not fucking it all up, you aren’t crazy, and you aren’t alone)

  • Calm the nervous system from years of trauma

  • Step into true heart centered empowerment

  • Transform your cellular structure to be aligned with your divine self

  • Find flow and trust in your life and experience

  • Come home to your unique truth

  • Discover how to not take on the stories of others

  • Strengthen your psychic immunity

  • Emerge strongly centered in your own truth, in order to share your gifts freely and with courage in the world!

meet our special guests


Michael Dove

Healer, Intuitive, and Mystic.

Michael is a profound channeler of infinite wisdom and supports us to assemble your council of ancestral super heroes. He also calls in all the support we will need to move forward.

Rick Pathman

Deeply gifted magic man and navigator of the subconscious world, Rick does a process called 'what I am uniquely' which supports the deep clearing of our subconscious and unconscious realms, in order to reprogram our beings.

Ann-Marie Tommey

Former hormone doctor and intuitive energy worker, Ann-Marie opens the quantum fields within your body, allowing the nervous system to deeply relax and transform. This is an integral part of healing and moving forward from trauma.

Frequency Downloads

These calls are centered around my Sound Frequency Downloads.

I use my voice and sound to channel the healing frequencies needed to reprogram out cellular structures.

When I was gifted these frequencies, I was told they would 'override' the human condition, in order to help humanity shed its old stories of pain and suffering, and open the divine expression of source we are meant to become.

I channel the meditations live on the calls, but they are meant to be used like medicine, taken as often as you need to clear and restructure your being.

What students have to say

"Wow! I did the toning from the first call. I'm in awe of how much lighter I feel once I woke up. I admit that I feel like I fell into another dimension (it wasn't sleep), it was simply a leavened space. Can't wait to join tomorrow!"

"I always saw the ancestral realm as kind of a burden, and after this release I got the message that they are also around me to lift me up and stabilize and build this strong base."

"That was epic! As soon as the call started I felt resistance...

But when you started the toning everything shifted. When you said you saw an exorcism, something lifted and it was just an instant release and ease.”