The frequencies I work with override human resistance, to allow in miracles and gifts we usually refuse…

I've always felt a deep connection to the magic of singing and music. Eleven years ago, during a planet medicine ceremony, I was shown when I sing, blessings flow through me, going to those around me.

In a cacao ceremony the following year, I was asked to channel a sound - and something shocking happened - that sound triggered intense energetic releases in the attendees. That's when I realized the extraordinary potential of sound healing. It could achieve what nothing else could.

Over the next few years, I used sound in my healing work, witnessing quick and efficient healing unfold. It was at Uluru in Australia where a crystal-clear vision showed me how to harness sound as my primary healing modality.

Working with thousands worldwide, I've witnessed countless instant and miraculous transformations. My clients often say it doesn’t make sense, you must experience it to believe it.

before & after a toning session

Erin sang three notes to me and literally changed my perspective, energy and frequency within minutes. Her voice is pure magic.

I have never looked like the second photo EVER in all my years of doing aura photos. I’ve been having pain/headaches and I felt relief almost immediately.

I felt pure love, peace, grounding and faith in the universe and my path in this lifetime after she completed the toning attunements on me. It was like a complete knowing that I belong, and also a feeling of being expansive and limitless at the same time.

You seriously have such a gift. I’ve never felt anything like it. No other healing I’ve ever had has been so quick, and yet deep and effective.

- Cindy Luffred, Medium and Healer (Aura Photo from

Rachael Youtsey, Nutritionist - After an 8 week  personal container

Rachael Youtsey, Nutritionist - After an 8 week personal container

 OMG Erin! Reading over where I was when we started our journey is giving me goosebumps!!

I never could have envisioned feeling this grounded, this connected, this confident just 3-4 months after we first started working together.

The amount of neurological rewiring, deconditioning, and energetic shifts that have taken place within my physical and spiritual body is just so far beyond what I could have expected.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support, guidance, love, light, toning, intuition and more. I don't know how I would have gotten through this season of my life without you! :)

Healing and transformation can be ENJOYED and EASY. Thank you for showing me another way. 

  • “I've been on a spiritual path for 3 years, meditating regularly, and I feel I've made progress. But I was telling a friend the other day that I started feeling in a WAY better place ever since I've been working with Erin. That's the only thing this changed. I don't really understand how the toning work, but they do!”

  • “My healing session with Erin was so deeply potent and transformative. Her insights were full of intuitive wisdom, and I was left feeling like a completely different person after the transmission.  I would highly recommend Erin's unique frequency work to anyone on a healing path. It's seriously powerful stuff!" 

    - Atira Tan, TED Speaker, Somatic Trauma Specialist, Social Change Activist, #1 Bestselling Author.

  • “Every time I’ve been in the presence of the frequency healing, I feel like the timeline that I’m familiar with, this human realm, kind of stops, and I get goosebumps. It’s unexplainable what happens. It’s like crystal bowls. I love sound baths and sound healing, and it’s like crystal bowl bath times 1000 in the effect. That’s how powerful it feels.”

    - Ksenia Avdulova, Founder of Breakfast Criminals and Woke&Wired Podcast


ways to work together


Personal Sessions

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My signature intuitive transmission experience. Intuitive soul reading, quantum shifts, and frequency healing. Single session or packages.



I read the collective aura of the group and channel frequencies for all. People find thes

What comes through is just as powerful as one on ones!

Packages & mentoring

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If you would like a multi-week sustained container with me, please see more below.


+ What is Frequency Healing?

A method of healing I created using my voice, and often considered a 'transmission.' Sometimes I call it reiki with the voice, or even similar to light language. I use vocal sounds that contain specific frequencies to heal the body, reset neurons and shift the vibration of the body/biofield, or aura.

+ What are the benefits?

Everything from anxiety, depression, emotional overwhelm, fear, stress, and chronic conditions, and breaking habits.

I often work with awakening, sensitive people who know they have the power within and just need the support in connect to their innate wisdom and healing ability.

Most people are amazed at how fast they shift. For many the shifts are permanent. It resets your aura/biofield and often eliminates the need for lots of ‘talk time' and ‘processing

+ How does it work?

Frequency our first experience of life. Since our nervous systems are older than conscious communication, talk therapy, mindfulness, and other practices often only go so far in healing.

The Frequency Healing™ Method works with the electromagnetic field, the quantum realm, and the nervous system to reset the body.

Sound has been proven to create new neural pathways in the brain and rewire neural circuitry to bring the body/mind into coherence.

+ What happens in a session?

We discuss what is alive for you and spend time identifying what wants to be worked on. I am intuitively guided what the most important things are, and transmit messages from your soul. I then channel the healing and allow you integration time. You will receive a recording of the session and a high quality recording of the toning to use in an ongoing way.


What can Frequecy Healing Address?

  • Healing trauma/karmic family patterns Clear blockages Eliminate overwhelm Find clarity from indecision Unravel old thought patterns

  • Release or heal unhealthy relationship attachments

  • Reduce Stress, anxiety, fear and worry

  • Heal physical ailments like chronic pain and inflammation

  • Strengthen your energy

  • uncover your gifts and purpose

  • Initiating new paths or life phases

  • Regulate emotional imbalance

  • Open connection to self/wisdom


Group events and collaborations

Toning makes an amazing addition to healing events, workshops, classes… really anything! Groups can be custom created around any topic or occasion.

I tune into the the collective aura of the group and do a toning meditation for all present. If the group is smaller, I can work with each person individually, or if larger and time permits, a few people one on one.

Groups to not diminish the power of the frequencies. What one person needs, each person receives in their own way.

I collaborate with intuitive readers, mediums, aura photographers, astrologers, tarot card readers… the list goes on!