Evolved Empaths Program

from surviving to thriving

An approach for Empaths & HSP unlike any other



Packed full of teachings on all the major topics for empaths and sensitive people.


Using ancient and personal technology to help you understand your unique design.

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Using Frequency Healings to transform your cellular structure to your source alignment.

Do you…

Do you feel like normal empath coping strategies often fall short?

That you aren’t built like other people and maybe you got dropped off on the wrong planet?

  • Struggle to set and hold boundaries

  • Are deeply affected by others 'vibes' or moods

  • Feel overwhelmed, stressed or tired by the world

  • Struggle to find balance between giving and receiving

  • Fear abandonment by others

  • Feel guilty for taking care of yourself

  • Cry often and easily

  • Get labeled as ‘over emotional’

  • Experience a strong inner critic

  • Adopt to others to make them more comfortable

  • Have a hard time telling if energy is yours or not

  • Seek coping strategies to function (i.e. time alone, hiding, long baths, exercise)

  • Feel deeply affected by your partners needs and feelings

  • Rationalize your emotional pain

You are most likely an empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP)

I have Good news… it can be so much easier

For many years, I struggled with being sensitive.

I didn’t realize that the overwhelm, sadness, and irritation I often felt was from my ‘overly porous’ energy field.

I felt like I didn’t want to be human. I was chronically depressed. I just wanted to be ‘enlightened’ so that I would finally feel better.

Most of the ‘coping strategies’ I learned didn’t stick or even work for me.

Until I realized that I wasn’t here to be like most humans.

There was another way for me.

I want to share what I have learned about being an evolved empath with you and skyrocket your growth process.

Being an empath can be your greatest strength, so you don’t simply ‘manage’ or ‘survive.’

There is an easier way.

Most of all: It is possible to be so internally rooted in you own inner ground and soul, that you can be the expansive soul we are here to be.

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Want to learn more?

Watch selected clips from the introduction call about the program and why I created this!

“I’ve LEARNED SO MUCH from the materials so far. It seems like everything I’ve been interested in and didn’t know how to ask the questions, are being answered week after week."


Eric Latch, Shamanic healer

Eric Latch, Shamanic healer

“I just wanted to reiterate how much I've enjoyed working with you over the past few months! Out of all the courses I've participated in this year, yours was by far my favorite and the one in which I felt the most permission to open up and really be vulnerable in an authentic way. Thank you so much for this opportunity to heal and grow!

Obviously it goes without saying that I’ve gotten so much out of this course— I was only vaguely familiar with the concept of an empath/HSP before it, and I think there was a significant part of me that was resistant to learning about these topics because I had been called “sensitive” in a derogatory manner.

The course has significantly expanded my knowledge on how our energetic bodies/light fields function as well as around the dynamics of boundaries, relationships, etc. I feel like I can now identify when I’m playing out energetically draining patterns with myself or others because of this work, which is a HUGE step forward for me.

I'm much more easily able to navigate what's going on in the world without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. I have a much more defined sense of what my boundaries need to be with friends and family, and exactly how to enact them.

 You did a fantastic job teaching the course and creating a sacred space for all of us to expand in.”

Ready to take the plunge?

this course includes

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Teaching modules

8 weeks (about 1-2 hours each) covering all I know about being an empath/HSP

weekly Live healings

6 weekly live frequency healing transmissions to transform your cellular structure, relationship to self and the world (90 min each)

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meditations & Frequencies

Guided meditations /healings/transmissions to clear and solve common empath struggles

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Live Check ins, Q&A

An opportunity to gather together. We’ll discuss the materials and answer live questions.

This is my most robust and comprehensive offering EVER.

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 Erin's Evolved Empath Course gave me the tools necessary to completely OWN my light and essence, while offering the information as to what this even means.

My mind was blown every week with the material and weekly meetings, as each week continued to line up with the events going on in my life.

I truly believed I was called to this course and I absolutely loved every second of it. I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is interested in learning more about living in your own light! 

-Haley Robertson, Yoga Teacher and Artist

Program Curriculum

Each week, there is a live channeled frequency healing, in addition to the course curriculum

(a mixture of majority audio files and some video files).

Before we start: Psychic cleanse to set the space

A Frequency clearing and restructuring tone to heal and protect your psychic field during this journey

Week 1: Begin the cleansing process

Live Frequency: Cleanse foreign energy from the aura

  • What is an empath anyways?

  • Types of Empaths

  • Differences between empath and HSP

  • Setting the stage meditation/healing for this journey

Week 2 -Anchoring in the light

Live Frequency: Anchoring the light body

  • The science behind empaths

  • Oneness vs Duality (3d to 5D groundwork)

  • Calling ourselves home meditation

  • Giving ourselves full permission

Week 3 - working with the collective

Frequency: Clearing collective karmic patterns

  • Human design basics and how to use

  • Calling in and How to work with our teams

  • Protection

  • How to most effectively move energy

Week 4 - Intuition and trust

Frequency: Opening our inner knowing

  • Initiating the new timeline activation

  • Human Design: your unique intuition

  • Aligning with our souls intuitive knowing

  • How to transmute energy

Bonus week material- working with our Human Design open centers (aka where we absorb energy!)


Week 5 - Boundaries (the most Robust section!!)

Frequency: Strengthening the body

  • HD and boundaries

  • What are energy boundaries?

  • Working with boundaries from 3d-5d

  • What’s mine and what’s yours?

  • Practical boundary setting

  • Practical communication tools

Week 6 - Relationship Dynamics

Frequency: An existential deep dive

  • Working with soul agreements

  • The narcissist and empath story

  • Reparenting work and healing

  • Reparenting meditation

  • Intimacy

  • Working with ‘what is’ and radical acceptance

Week 7 - common struggles

Frequency: Awakening our new DNA

  • Working with the inner critic

  • The people pleasing story

  • Finding our true purpose

  • Physical struggles

  • Inter-dependance vs co-dependance

Week 8 - The Final DNA transformation

Frequency: Connection to Self

  • Wrap up healings

  • Final q&A

  • Moving forward with courage

  • How to discuss with friends and family

Together we will...

Upgrade your energy system, so that this is not just informational but TRANSFORMATIONAL

  • Find safety in your body

  • Define what feelings are yours and what are others.

  • Establish boundaries that WORK

  • Live with TRUE Self acceptance (i.e., you are not fucking it all up, you aren’t crazy, and you aren’t alone)

  • Calm the nervous system from years of trauma

  • Step into true heart centered empowerment

  • Transform your cellular structure to be aligned with your divine self

  • Find flow and trust in your life and experience

  • Express yourself freely

  • Learn to honor your own needs first so that you can truly be of service to others

  • Strengthen your psychic immunity

  • Emerge strongly centered in your own truth, in order to share your gifts freely and with courage in the world!

Dillian Watts, Somatic Therapy student

Dillian Watts, Somatic Therapy student

 “Erin has potent loving energy and has been a joy to learn from her!

I was in a place of great dismay within my own body, psyche and soul. I was paralyzed with fear & anxiety on how to operate in the world.

Erin's toning, teachings and perspective on how to navigate the world, especially as an empath, gave me a permission slip to truly begin to own, process and resolve the seemingly invisible energies in the world.

She can beautifully hold space and has shown me infinite opportunities for my challenges in relationships and with myself.

I've worked with a therapist but have seen more results and traumas gently processed with less mental and emotional gripping.

Erin is an encouraging, magical and knowledgeable individual bringing more ease and peace to the chaotic 2020."

What others are saying…

“I feel the support of this group and I'm so grateful to have it.  I was just thinking today how lucky I felt to be connected to this community you've created.” 


“I feel like I’m not fragmented anymore. It’s like I’m whole. I always felt my soul was many many places and outside this planet.

So thank you, cause the work I’ve been doing with you is has just helped me wake up for many things.

I’m grateful to everything because its brought me here and I was able to find you in this way and do this work.

I am just so grateful and for bringing your joy and love and generosity and showing me opening up to all these energies can be a beautiful thing.

You are a living example of this and I’m so grateful. Thank you so much for being here at this time and this moment.”

— Liliana D. , Actress

“WOW. These calls have been wow…

It has really encouraged me to start speaking up and feeling comfortable talking truth.

There were so many times that it felt like we were all speaking directly to each other even when nothing was being spoken and still the story kept being synchronistic.

I had no idea the unfolding of the wrap up call… it feels like it’s a wrap up of a previous story.

Thank you so much again for your gifts and sharing them with us.

I found myself planning my life around these calls. I've been so excited to be on them. After each call something changed."

- Adriana D.


Common Questions:


Everything I do involves both informational and the transformational energy. The information is the weekly modules to help you better understand yourself as an empath. The human design is to make sure you know about how you are specifically built to interact with the world. The frequencies are to transform you from the cellular level so that your auric field is strengthened and rooted into you. 

In addition to the class modules, you have the opportunity to sign up for private session packages and human design readings.

I have worked for many years to understand the nuances of being sensitive. I have personally helped thousands of people rework their energy systems to be rooted into the divinity of who they are. This is the result of all those years. 

Working through these issues took me many years, so I want to share what I have learned and execrate your growth process.



This course if for anyone wanting to anchor themselves more deeply into their own soul and energy. To find ways to show up int he world in your full strength and awareness. To be uniquely you.

It doesn’t matter if you have felt like an HSP /empath for a long time, or you just started sensing you are.

I want you to come out of this course feeling like you are just DIFFERENT. I don’t want you to have to do tools and clearing and grounding tricks everyday.

This course is to deeply transform your human experience. Not just learn how to manage.

Since this course is about evolving our view of sensitivities, I will challenge how you view these topics. I don’t simply give the ‘five ways to do things’, I dive into questioning why you even need that view anymore. This is to change how you see all the concepts most people take as normal.

There is no experience required  and every experience level is welcome. No one is above anyone else here.

I take a ‘lets have fun with this’ approach. No need to take anything too seriously (we’ve done enough of that… am I right?!).

 If you're ready to step into your fullest expression and you want to be free yourself, or if you desire to help others through this work, this course is for you! 


I used to dislike this word, mainly because of the ways it can create an idea or expectation of a certain personality. At times, it gets used in ways to encourage victimhood

It has misused and misrepresented in many main stream spiritual circles.

So while I am using it here to identify how I can best support a certain group of ‘evolving souls,’ I understand its limitations, and my ultimately goal is to evolve our understanding of empaths from the 3d to the 5d view.