Welcome to the frequency Portal

You are not a problem to be solved. You are a present to unfold.

Taking a grounded and mystical approach to healing and transformation, I offer quantum space holding, transformational experiences and guidance in several forms.

 1:1 Mystical Transformation Container

Mentoring for Spiritu-ish Folks and Mystical Magic Makers

If you feel like the spiritual world has quite fit what you’re about, and you’ve been in search of an empowering, magical, space that allows you to be exactly who you are —I created the Transformational Portal Container for you.

Within a 3-6 month container we will…

Met in the deepest most expanded ways, leaving you transformed and refreshed

Experience soulful intuitive guidance to support you in living your most fully expressed life.

Have guidance that always comes from a soulful perspective, and not from my own ego or view.

This is my most intimate and highest price 1:1 offer. Payment plans are always offered. I value accessibility so please reach out with any concerns or questions.


Rachael Youtsey, Nutritionist - After her Transformational Journey

OMG Erin! Reading over where I was when we started our journey is giving me goosebumps!!

The paragraph about what I would most like to accomplish during our time together....

I never could have envisioned feeling this grounded, this connected, this confident just 3-4 months after we first started working together.

The amount of neurological rewiring, deconditioning, and energetic shifts that have taken place within my physical and spiritual body is just so far beyond what I could have expected.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support, guidance, love, light, toning, intuition and more. I don't know how I would have gotten through this season of my life without you! :)

Healing and transformation can be ENJOYED and EASY. Thank you for showing me another way. 


 Frequency Channeling Sessions

 Human Design Downloads

1:1 Transformation Container

 Everything I do uses the magic of the Frequency Healing Method. This is my main healing tool to rewire your frequency to your own soul blueprint.

I also use a number of other tools and teach on specific topics.

I also offer sessions using the Human design System.

I teach a live courses for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People

I offer other products like my Ceremonial Cacao products, self paced Ancestral Healing Series and Frequency Healing bundles for different topics.

Do you want an easier, lighter way to heal and connect with your divine nature?

Do you seek to transform into the expansive and free you you’ve always wanted to be?

YES? - Let’s work together!

Do you want to work one on one, tuning into the divine guidance and insight available to you, supporting you in hearing your own truth and perfection? Clear blockages, trauma, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, etc?


Do you want an intuitive soul reading and toning download based on your souls guidance? FH

Do you want to dive more of an intellectual deep dive into your cosmic blueprint ? Helping your understand why and where you are sensitive HUMAN DESIGN (mini and full reading??)

Do you want to face all your blocks, trauansform your essence to be in total alignment to your truth?MENOTRINGSHIP

Do you want to dive in on your own time? - BUNDLES AND ANCENSTRAL HEALING SERIES

Do you want to go through a full transformation with other empaths all stepping into their fullest power?- EVOLVED EMPATHS PROGRAM

CURIOUS but not sure Do you want to stay up to date with all my offerings and news?


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“Erin is one of my favorite people to work with. She is a genuine and spectacular healer. She is also kind, playful and fun as all hell. If you’re feeling called to her, then what you are feeling called to is real. As somehow who ‘feels into’ people for a living, I advise you to say yes!

- David Savage, The Empath


Three ways to work together


Personal Sessions

Frequency Sessions

Human Design




I channeling or teach for a group or small group

Courses and Downloads

I offer many frequency healing downloads and self pacef courses. as well as live courses.


 Sign up to try a frequency healing.

Book a 20 minute clarity call

What all my work is about

before & after a toning session

Erin sang three notes to me and literally changed my perspective, energy and frequency within minutes. Her voice is pure magic.

I have never looked like the second photo EVER in all my years of doing aura photos. I’ve been having pain/headaches and I felt relief almost immediately. I felt pure love, peace, grounding and faith in the universe and my path in this lifetime after she completed the toning attunements on me.
It was like a complete knowing that I belong, and also a feeling of being expansive and limitless at the same time.

You seriously have such a gift. I’ve never felt anything like it. No
other healing I’ve ever had has been so quick, and yet deep and effective.

- Cindy Luffred, Medium and Healer (Aura Photo from Revealingsoul.com)


What you can expect

    I work through the quantum field and therefore do not need to be in person to do this work.

    I have no set process as I always tune into what your soul is guiding us to. Most people report feeling zened out and chill after a session.

    You always receive a recording of the session and meditation, so that you can use the sound again as ongoing medicine and healing.


All my work supports healing of the following

  • Healing karmic/family patterns

  • Clear the experience of blockages

  • Eliminate overwhelm

  • Find clarity from indecision

  • Unravel old thought patterns

  • Deeply know your soulful truth

  • Regulate emotional imbalance

  • Release or heal unhealthy relationship attachments

  • Reduce Stress

  • Initiating new paths or life phases

  • Heal physical ailments

  • Find you soulful purpose

  • Discover your superpowers

  • Strengthen your energy body

  • Uncover inner peace

  • Open connection to self/wisdom



“My healing session with Erin was so deeply potent and transformative. Her insights were full of intuitive wisdom, and I was left feeling like a completely different person after the transmission. 

I would highly recommend Erin's unique frequency work to anyone on a healing path. It's seriously powerful stuff!" 

- Atira Tan, TED Speaker, Somatic Trauma Specialist, Social Change Activist, #1 Bestselling Author.

“I was blessed to receive two toning sessions from Erin. It’s only been two months since then but it feels like life is already profoundly different.

The most direct impact I notice is how clear I am with my boundaries with family. I also sensed into a new level of surrender in these two months also found myself easily acting on intuition, even when they did not make any sense and sometimes made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

All these disparate storylines collided together into a pretty spectacular and profound healing moment. I’m still digesting and reeling, but Erin’s toning helped my system relax into trusting the flow, even the turbulent parts. Thank you!”

– Navlyn Wang


Packages and Mentoring

If you feel called to deep dive into a magical container of working together. I offer 4 session or 8 session packages to do so. We will custom design your experience and how often we meet.

These containers have been known to create potent magic. They are a space for your soul to emergy fully and guide the mystery of what it most wants to come through.

Prices are as follows:

4 session package: $975

8 session package: $1,800

I can also include human design chart insights and knowledge in these sessions if you so desire.

**If you are someone who is currently living below the poverty line, struggles to pay rent, or buy food… I offer opportunities for partial scholarships on sessions or packages. Scholarship prices will be evaluated by person. Please fill out this form to apply.


Group events and collaborations

Toning makes an amazing addition to healing events, workshops, classes… really anything! Groups can be custom created around any topic or occasion.

I tune into the the collective aura of the group and do a toning meditation for all present. If the group is smaller, I can work with each person individually, or if larger and time permits, a few people one on one.

Groups to not diminish the power of the frequencies. What one person needs, each person receives in their own way.

I collaborate with intuitive readers, mediums, aura photographers, astrologers, tarot card readers… the list goes on!